Looking To Refinance Your Property in Houston?
Don’t want to pay closing costs or increase your loan?
Ask about HomeStart’s No Cost refinancing program. HomeStart will pay for your closing costs, you won’t pay a single penny at closing and your loan amount will stay exactly the same before its refinancing. Call now and get the facts and see how you can save with HomeStart by your side.
Is your ARM adjusting soon?
Break that ARM and fix it with a 30yr fixed mortgage. Avoid increases in your monthly payment and gain some piece of mind by refinancing it now with a low interest rate. Refinancing can be a simple process and your HomeStart Loan officer is here to help you. Your loan officer will walk you through the process of refinancing your home and explain your monthly savings. In most cases you can avoid out of pocket costs all together.
Already have a 30yr fixed note but want a lower interest rate?
No problem. You can refinance your loan under most cases. If the difference between your current interest rate and our current offering is large enough it might make sense to refinance as soon as 6 months after the original loan.
Did you know you could vastly reduce you monthly payment even if your interest rate is already low and fixed?
Say for example your original 30year mortgage note is 10years old and has a 5.5% interest rate. Had the original note been $250,000 your payment would be $1,420 a month. If you were to refinance now and keep the same interest rate your payment would fall to $1,171. That’s a $249 reduction in monthly expenses. Call now for a free analysis.
If you have more questions about refinaincing, please feel free to contact us.
If you are ready to apply you can apply online or call us at 713.275.2785.